
Welcome to KYToolead's factory in Thailand!

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Hu Yongchun met with a delegation from Nayong County to strengthen communication, docking and coordination and enhance the quality of co-construction work.

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Best in Zhejiang! Jinhua only! Yongkang this work strength on the list

December 18, the reporter learned from the Yongkang City Bureau of Commerce, a few days ago, the provincial "groundnut economy," upgrading "No. 1 open project" task force office released Zhejiang Province, "groundnut economy," upgrading "No. 1 open project," the second batch of best practice case list, in which the "Yongkang City, innovative construction of international marketing network of the hardware industry, extending the "groundnut economy," the international cycle of the "vine" "was successfully selected, the Department of Jinhua, the only case selected.

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The Second World Hardware Development Conference opened in Yongkang

In the afternoon of May 26th, the 2nd World Hardware Development Conference, with the theme of "Innovation, Leadership, Win-Win New Era of World Hardware Intelligent Manufacturing", was grandly opened in Yongkang International Convention and Exhibition Center. Because hardware meets in Yongkang, and because hardware connects with the world, colleagues from the global hardware industry gathered together once again to recount their deep friendship, discuss industrial trends and seek new cooperation!

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International Hardware Exhibition Exchange Symposium

On September 25th, Yongkang City held a seminar on the exchange of domestic and foreign hardware exhibitions to improve the ability of Yongkang enterprises to participate in exhibitions and promote the high-quality development of Yongkang's exhibition economy to carry out in-depth exchanges and discussions.

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