Pulse Yongkang, link the world, Yongkang start hardware industry channel strong enterprise joint sea.

2024-02-26 | News

  On February 25th, the launching ceremony of "Pulse Yongkang, Linking the World Hardware Industry Channels and Strong Enterprises Going to Sea" was held in Yongkang International Convention and Exhibition Center. The first batch of 30 enterprises and Pulse Chain Group completed the signing under the witness of Zheng Yuntao, deputy secretary and mayor of Municipal Party Committee, Li Haofeng, member of Municipal Party Committee, member of Municipal Party Committee, and more than one hundred persons in charge of hardware enterprises from home and abroad.

  As China's hardware capital, yongwujin hardware industry cluster leader, yongkang city has now become the country's largest, with the international market position of the trans-regional production center of hardware products, industry, radiation and strong bandwidth, foreign trade and economic vitality. In recent years, Yongkang efforts to cultivate entrepreneurs brand thinking, digital awareness and innovative spirit, successively held the World Hardware Development Conference, entrepreneurs MBA branding class, to create "Yongkang Hardware" public regional brand, and vigorously promote the Yongkang Hardware "brand out to sea". Last year, the city innovated to carry out the overseas self-development program. Last year, Yongkang City innovated and carried out 7 overseas self-organized exhibitions, and organized 51 overseas groups, involving more than 800 exhibitors, and reached an intentional order of more than 13 billion yuan; cultivated 36 Zhejiang export brands, the number of which ranked third in the province, and cultivated 8 provincial cross-border e-commerce famous brands, the number of which ranked first in Jinhua.

  Zheng Yuntao said in his speech, from small hardware to large hardware, from traditional hardware to modern hardware, Yongkang hardware industry has gone through the wind and rain, and has made world-renowned achievements. However, it should be sober to see that Yongkang hardware industry is facing the danger of being overtaken or even lagging behind. This activity opened the Yongkang hardware industry channel strong enterprise, the prelude to the sea, both Yongkang build international marketing system, extend the "groundnut economy" vine new starting point, but also Yongkang to play a good "five wars double strong" in the industry upgrading of the General Assembly battle of the powerful initiatives. It fully demonstrates the majestic power of government and enterprises with one heart, up and down with one desire, and gathering strength together, and fully shows the city's unswerving confidence and determination to advance towards the goal of the world's hardware capital.

  Zheng Yuntao pointed out that, in the context of global industrial restructuring, we should gather industrial platform resources, share overseas marketing channels, and build enterprises' own brands, and fully assist Yongkang enterprises in branding overseas development, and help enterprises go out on a larger scale and with greater strength. It is necessary to promote enterprises to go overseas in an all-round way, accelerate their efforts and achieve high quality, and continuously develop the "Belt and Road", RCEP and so on. The "One Belt and One Road" and RCEP markets will be developed continuously, and new industries will be empowered by digitalization to inject new kinetic energy, stimulate new vitality and develop new markets for the hardware industry to go to sea together. It is necessary to promote Yongkang hardware industry to accelerate the extension to both ends of the "smile curve", accelerate the construction of high-capacity modernized industrial system, and make new and greater contributions to Yongkang to create brilliance and realize "World Hardware Capital Quality and Vitality of Yongkang".

  At the meeting, Mr. Xu Weiqiang, Chairman of Pulse Chain Group, made a sharing about the operation of Pulse Chain platform and the plan of going to sea in 2024.

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